

Tax Due Dates

County 1st Half
Due Date:
2nd Half
Due Date:
Butler County 2/29/2024 07/20/2024
Clark County 2/23/2024 07/24/2024
Clermont County 2/09/2024 7/10/2024
Clinton County 2/14/2024 7/20/2024
Darke County TBD 7/19/2024
Franklin County 01/31/2024 06/20/2024
Greene County 2/23/2024 7/19/2024
Hamilton County 2/05/2024 6/20/2024
Logan County 2/7/2024 7/10/2024
Miami County 2/14/2024 7/20/2024
Montgomery County 2/16/2024 7/19/2024
Preble County 2/16/2024 7/21/2024
Shelby County 2/14/2024 7/20/2024
Warren County 2/28/2024 7/31/2024

*Information provided is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed by M&M Title Co. It is subject to change at the discretion of the county offices. Please contact each county office for updates.

Conveyance Tax is paid when the title ownership of a property is transferred to another party. There are certain exceptions to when this tax is due, so if you have a question, please call our office or the Auditor of the county in which the property is located. The amounts listed below are per $1000 of the sale price and paid to the county where the property is located. For all properties, the county will also charge an additional $.50 per parcel, transfer fee.

Butler 3.00
Clark 4.00
Clermont 4.00
Clinton 3.50
Darke 3.00
Franklin 3.00
Greene 2.00
Hamilton 3.00
Logan 4.00
Miami 2.00
Montgomery 3.00
Preble 3.00
Shelby 4.00
Warren 3.00